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Robin Maas

Robin MaasRobin Maas is the founder and director of the Women’s Apostolate to Youth, a community of Roman Catholic women who give spiritual leadership to children and young people. Maas recently retired from the faculty of Wesley Theological Seminary and currently teaches spirituality at the John Paul II Institute, both in Washington, D.C. Her books and articles include The Church Bible Study Handbook, Crucified Love, Spiritual Traditions for the Contemporary Church, and Christ and the Adolescent (forthcoming).(Bio dated 1996)
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Christ and the Adolescent: Piper or Prophet?
Year: 1996
Theme: Christ and the Adolescent: A Theological Approach to Youth Ministry
Christ and the Adolescent: A Decision for Love
Year: 1996
Theme: Christ and the Adolescent: A Theological Approach to Youth Ministry
Christ and the Adolescent: Written in Stone
Year: 1996
Theme: Christ and the Adolescent: A Theological Approach to Youth Ministry